Platforms elevatable: new ministerial directives

The Ministry of Labour has issued a circular, No. 7 of 12 September 2024, on safety issues related to the use of elevating work platforms (AWPs).


The circular takes into account data collected over the last decade, from which a worrying picture emerges: in fact, it appears that it is not the older machines that cause the most concern, but many of the most serious accidents have occurred on rather recent platforms.

The survey and the critical issues that emerged

The analysis focused on accidents that occurred in the last decade and revealed that structural failures are the main cause of these accidents. These are not simple malfunctions, but real collapses of crucial parts of the structure. These events not only put the lives of operators at risk, but also raise fundamental questions about the inherent safety of these machines, even when they are relatively new.

The investigation basically revealed critical issues such as structural failures in machines with less than 10 years of service and other problems such as fatigue phenomena, buckling and non-compliant welds.

What to do

In order to improve security, attention is drawn to the importance of the following aspects:

  • complete documentation: preservation of all documents relating to the machine (certificates, manufacturer’s instructions and verification reports),
  • control register: Mandatory implementation of a detailed register to document all control and maintenance activities,
  • critical attention areas: identification of areas most prone to structural failure, including joint areas, telescopic arms and stabilisers,
  • responsibilities of the actors involved:
    • manufacturers: to ensure safety standards in accordance with harmonised standards,
    • users: to ensure strict adherence to the manufacturer’s instructions,
    • verification bodies: to assess the state of preservation of the machine,
    • supervisory bodies: to verify that periodic inspections are carried out and that they are properly maintained.

This implies on the one hand an increase in maintenance and inspection costs, but on the other hand the potential reduction of accidents and associated costs in the long run. Furthermore, the training needs for operators and technicians must be reconsidered.

This is what the circular tells us, but as far as how to improve the safety of AWPs is concerned, the solutions can be varied. One can think about integrating IoT (Internet of Things) into platforms with early warning systems for potential failures and sensors for monitoring structural stress. In addition, interactive maintenance guides and virtual training guides with risk simulations can be realised.

In addition to this, autonomous and semi-autonomous AWPs can be upgraded with GPS, proximity and obstacle sensors and software to allow autonomous or semi-autonomous navigation around the site by optimising routes. but safe by detecting obstacles. Communication of these types of platforms should be in real time with a central site safety management system.


The Ministry has announced a forthcoming publication of a technical guidance document, which will provide further details on prevention and control procedures. This document will be crucial for the effective implementation of the new security measures.

Credit license in construction

On 1 October 2024, the points or credit-based driving licence, already provided for in Legislative Decree 81/08, updated by Legislative Decree 19/2024, comes into force in the building industry.

The credit licence is a compulsory qualification system for all companies and self-employed workers operating on temporary or mobile construction sites. Art. 27 of Legislative Decree 81/08 has always provided for such a qualification system, but it is now updated by Article 29, paragraph 19 of Law 56/2024 converting, with amendments, Decree Law 19/2024.

There are basically two objectives:

  • Raising safety standards: the idea behind this is that by encouraging good practices, we aim to significantly reduce accidents at work;
  • Make companies accountable: the points licence will be an indicator of the reliability and seriousness of operators.

Added to this is the fact that in public tenders, the driving licence score will be an evaluation criterion.

How the credit licence works

Its functioning is similar to that of the driving licence:

  • each subject has an initial score of 30 credits,
  • the score decreases in the event of safety violations,
  • To work within the law, a minimum of 15 credits must be maintained. Below this score it will not be possible to work.

Here are all the questions and answers on the credit licence

What is a credit licence and who must have it?

The credit licence is a digital document that, as from 1 October 2024, companies and self-employed workers working on temporary or mobile construction sites, with the exception of those who perform services of an intellectual nature and mere material supplies, must possess.

What are the requirements for obtaining a driving licence?

The requirements are as follows:
– registration with the Chamber of Commerce,
– fulfilment of training obligations,
– regular DURC and DURF,
– DVR,
– having appointed a Prevention and Protection Service Manager.

By when?

In order to obtain the points licence, an application must be made by 1 October. Companies that have not applied by this date as of 1 October will not be allowed to work in construction.

Are there any exceptions to the obligation to hold a driving licence?

Yes, companies holding the SOA Category III qualification certificate are not required to hold a licence.

Do foreign companies have to be licensed?

Since there is nothing equivalent abroad, companies and self-employed persons established in another EU or non-EU Member State will have to provide a self-declaration of equivalent requirements.

Who issues the credit licence?

The licence is issued in digital format by the National Labour Inspectorate.

How do you obtain a licence and how do you apply?

Possession of the requirements is self-certified. The application must be made on the Labour Inspectorate portal.
Please note that it is necessary to have SPID or CIE.

What happens if a company makes untruthful declarations?

The licence is revoked in the event of untrue declarations on the requirements, which are ascertained during post-issue checks. All false declarations will be prosecuted by law.

What information will be contained in the licence?

The licence will contain the following information: company and applicant data, licence identification data (number and date of issue), the score, and the outcome of both suspension and final measures.

How many credits does the licence initially have?

The licence has an initial score of 30 credits.

Are extra credits provided?

Additional credits may be obtained in the following ways
– a maximum of 30 extra credits for company seniority;
– an automatic accumulation of 1 credit every two years;
– a maximum of 40 credits for companies that invest in health and safety (e.g. in training, equipment, machinery, management systems, etc.).

How many credits are needed to be able to work?

A minimum of 15 credits is required.

How are credits lost?

The curtailment takes place with a definitive measure following serious, very serious and fatal accidents as indicated in Annex I-bis of Legislative Decree 81/08.

What happens if the score falls below 15 credits?

With less than 15 credits it is not allowed to work on construction sites, except for the completion of work in progress if it exceeds 30% of the contract value.

Will it be possible to recover debts?

Yes, the recovery of points will be possible (up to 15) on the basis of the investment in health and safety.

Can the licence be suspended?

Yes, the Labour Inspectorate may suspend the licence for up to twelve months in the case of accidents that cause the death or permanent disability of the worker.

What sanctions are there for those operating without a licence or with an insufficient score?

An administrative penalty of 10% of the value of the works and in any case not less than €6,000, as well as exclusion from public works in accordance with the Procurement Code, is envisaged.

Who is entrusted with the obligation to check the driving licence?

The client must assess the technical-professional suitability of the companies in accordance with Annex XVII.


Specialised Assistance in Applying for a Credit Licence

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The Transition 5.0 Plan: between sustainability and innovation

Transition 5.0 is an Italian government initiative introduced to promote digital transformation and business sustainability. This plan is financed through funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) and the RepowerEU program, with a budget of more than 6 billion euros.

The Transition 5.0 Plan aims to support companies in their evolution toward more sustainable and digitized production models, emphasizing environmental sustainability and increased energy efficiency on the one hand, and through the adoption of advanced technologies, including robotics, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, 3D printing and cloud computing, on the other.

These goals are reflected in incentives for the adoption of innovative technologies, energy efficiency improvements and the integration of renewable energy sources.

Incentives and tax credits

The plan offers tax credits for expenses incurred by businesses in new investments between Jan. 1, 2024, and Dec. 31, 2025. The incentives are available for:

  • tangible and intangible capital goods (Art. 6 Decree No. 19 of July 24, 2024): facilities for investment in assets (machinery, robots, equipment and software, including those for monitoring energy consumption) related to production management systems .
  • Energy consumption reduction tax credits (Art. 10 Decree No. 19 of July 24, 2024): this is an incentive for investments aimed at reducing energy consumption by at least 3 percent for the production structure or 5 percent for the production processes involved.
  • Tax credits for self-generation and self-consumption from renewable sources (Art. 7 Decree No. 19 of July 24, 2024): includes energy storage facilities.
  • training: the Plan (Art. 8 Decree No. 19 of July 24, 2024) provides for facilitations within the limit of 10 percent of total investments for personnel training, up to a maximum of 300,000 euros. Specifically, expenses for training activities provided by parties outside the company are eligible for relief. The training must have a minimum duration of 12 hours with a final verification and relevant certificate.

Tax credit rates vary according to the level of energy savings achieved, and companies must meet specific certification requirements to access the incentives. Tax credits can be combined with other benefits within the various limits specified by the Decrees.


The beneficiaries of the Transition 5.0 Plan, according to the decree, are all Italian Resident Enterprises with registered or operational headquarters in Italy, regardless of their legal form, economic sector, size or tax regime, as well as Stable Organizations of Non-Resident.

Decree No. 19 of July 24, 2024, clearly excludes companies in a state of voluntary liquidation, bankruptcy, compulsory liquidation, arrangement with creditors without business continuity or subject to other bankruptcy procedures. Also excluded are companies that are the recipients of prohibitory sanctions under Legislative Decree No. 231 of June 8, 2001, or that do not comply with workplace safety regulations or are in default of their contribution obligations.


Project Requirements

Projects have two main requirements.

  • Projects were started after 1 January 2024 and completed by 31 December 2025.
  • The investments must relate to new tangible and intangible assets that are instrumental to business operations and lead to a reduction in energy consumption of at least 3% for the production structure or 5% for the production processes concerned.


Transition 5.0 aims at balancing digital innovation and ecological sustainability, putting them in close connection. Certainly, the sectors that can benefit from the Plan are manufacturing and logistics, which can improve and enhance what has already been implemented.


Chemical Risk Management in Laboratories: Strategies and Practices

Safety management in laboratories, particularly with regard to chemical hazards, is a crucial element in protecting workers’ health. What are the best practices for identifying, assessing and managing chemical hazards, ensuring a safe and compliant working environment?


Acute and chronic effects of chemical exposure

Exposure to chemicals in laboratories can cause harmful effects, classified as acute and chronic. Acute effects are those that occur rapidly, immediately after brief but intense exposure. These effects may include irritation, burns or more severe symptoms, and although they often improve once exposure has ceased, they can cause permanent damage in extreme cases.

Chronic effects, on the other hand, emerge after prolonged exposure and may last even after the exposure has ended. These effects, often related to occupational diseases, require constant management and prevention is essential to minimise long-term health risks.

Chemical risk assessment and identification

An effective laboratory safety plan starts with the identification and evaluation of the chemicals used. This process includes the inventory of all substances present and the assessment of their potential risk, considering factors such as toxicity, flammability and reactivity. This phase helps to understand what measures are needed to prevent accidents and protect workers.


The correct storage of chemicals is a key element in laboratory safety. It is important to store hazardous materials following strict compatibility criteria, avoiding reactive substances in close proximity to each other. Clear and accurate labelling of containers is essential, as is keeping an up-to-date inventory of substances. In addition, flammable products must be stored in safety cabinets specially designed to minimise the risk of fire.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The correct use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is essential to reduce chemical risks. PPE includes:

Respiratory protection: Masks and respirators appropriate to the type of chemical present protect against hazardous inhalation.

Protective clothing: Coats, aprons and overalls are designed to prevent skin contact with harmful chemicals, and must be selected according to specific risks.

Protective goggles and visors: Essential for protecting the eyes from splashes and spray, these devices must offer complete coverage and ensure comfort during use.

Safe Management of Hazardous Substances

Managing hazardous substances requires a structured approach. Before use, it is essential to consult safety data sheets to understand the risks associated with each substance. During handling it is essential to wear appropriate protective clothing and to work in a well-ventilated environment to minimise the inhalation of harmful vapours. In the event of an accident, such as a spill, it is important to follow emergency procedures to quickly contain the problem and reduce damage.

Appropriate signage is essential to clearly communicate potential hazards within the laboratory. Information signs on substances used indications on the correct use of PPE and warnings concerning high risk areas must be clearly visible and intuitive for all operators present in the laboratory.

Emergency Procedures

Every laboratory should be equipped with a first aid kit specifically for chemical-related accidents, as well as personnel trained to deal with such situations effectively. In chemical-related emergency situations , it is vital to implement emergency procedures promptly. Isolating the affected area, evacuate personnel and immediately contact those responsible for safety are essential steps to contain risks. Following decontamination instructions and preparing a detailed incident report are necessary actions to improve future safety and prevent similar incidents.

Managing chemical risks in the laboratory goes beyond simply complying with regulations: it is an act of responsibility towards ourselves and our colleagues. But is it possible to manage every chemical in the laboratory with the necessary care? Every action, from the correct cataloguing of substances to constant vigilance over daily practices, contributes to a safe and secure working environment.

Portable ladders: the most frequent accidents

Portable ladders are frequently used in the workplace, but can cause different types of injuries if they are not used properly.

Types of accidents

The most common types of injuries with portable ladders include falls, which account for most accidents. Falls can occur due to an unstable base, improper use of the ladder or lack of attention from the operator.

Other frequent accidents involve accidents related to the scale overload, which can cause the structure to collapse or sudden overturning. In addition, the risks of crushing the fingers are quite common when opening and closing the portable stairs. It is important to pay special attention to these operations to avoid injury.

Accidents involving damaged or defective ladders are also a significant category. Always use stairs in good condition and regularly check that they are intact and safe to avoid dangerous situations.

Factors contributing to injuries with portable ladders

One of the main factors, as well as very trivial, is the incorrect use of the scale, for example by placing it in an unstable way. Haste can lead operators to take risky actions, such as climbing too fast or ignoring safety regulations. In addition, the working environment can affect safety: slippery surfaces, uneven terrain or the presence of obstacles can increase the risk of falls.

Safety procedures for the correct use of the portable ladder

To prevent accidents by properly using a portable scale it is important to check that it is in good condition and that it is suitable for its intended use. Make sure that the ladder is placed on a stable and flat surface, avoiding to place it on slippery or unstable surfaces. When using the ladder, it is essential to always keep both feet steady on the steps and avoid leaning on one side or leaning too far forward. Be careful of sudden or sudden movements that could cause an imbalance and drop the ladder.

Types of portable ladders

The reference technical standard for portable ladders is UNI EN 131

According to the guideline “Use of portable ladders in temporary and mobile construction sites” of the Lombardy Region we can classify the portable ladders in:

  • Simple ladders: ladders that, once ready to use, rest the lower part on the ground and the upper part on a vertical surface, having no support of their own. hey can be single trunk or several trunks that can be grafted or removed.
  • Double ledders: self-stable ledders that, when ready for use, support themselves by placing the two trunks on the ground, allowing the climb from one or both sides, depending on the type.
  • Castle stairs: self-supporting stairs with a solid support base, a climbing log equipped with handrails and a large parking platform with normal parapet on three sides.

Proper use of portable ladders on construction sites

Suitability and training of workers

Workers in charge of using the ladder must be fit for the specific task issued by the Competent Physician and must have received adequate training and comprehensive training in the use of the equipment provided. The presence and accessibility of the user and maintenance manual must always be guaranteed.

Before using

The scale must be appropriate for the specific use and before each use must verify the integrity, state of preservation and efficiency. Any residues such as mortars, paints, oils, grease or ice must be carefully removed from the ladder. You have to check the maximum weight allowed by the scale and do not exceed it in any case.

The worker who ascends the ladder must wear appropriate clothing and any PPE provided by the Employer for the job.

Portable ladder carrying on the shoulder

When a worker carries a portable ladder on his shoulder, he must keep it tilted and never horizontal, especially if visibility is limited. It must also support the ladder with the arm avoiding inserting it inside the ladder between steps or rungs.

Location of the portable ladder

The steps or rungs of the ladder must at all times be horizontal with respect to the floor or base, while the ladder must be supported on a regular, fixed, stable and slippery surface. If necessary, it must be attached to the supporting surface.

For ladders equipped with height adjustable feet, positioning on inclined surfaces is allowed, with the obligation to adjust them so that the rungs or steps constantly maintain horizontality. The maximum distance of the first step or rung from the support surface shall be 315 mm, and the support surface shall be easily accessible.

In the case of placing on a scaffold, the increased risk of falling from a height must be taken into account, requiring the adoption of appropriate safety measures. Ladders must always be placed on their own stoppers or feet, and must not be placed on steps or rungs.

The placement of the ladder should be carefully evaluated, considering the risks of collision with any vehicles, doors, pedestrians, as well as away from power lines, vacuum openings, blunt metal objects and sources of heat or smoke. When used outdoors, the location of the staircase shall take into account potential weather hazards, and the area below shall be segregated.

The locking mechanisms shall be correctly positioned in accordance with the user and maintenance manual.

After using

After the activity on the staircase, it must be closed and placed in a covered place; if the staircase had become dirty with paints, oils or other things it must be cleaned. It is also important to check which maintenance is required and indicated in the user manual and to implement it regularly.

Hot work: fire risk and prevention

Hot work processes are those activities and operations that involve the use of open flames or the generation of heat that can easily cause fires if not handled properly. Examples of common hot work are welding, cutting, forging and melting of metals, thermodrilling of plastics, hot asphalt work, industrial drying operations.


The Confederation of Fire Protection Associations Europe (CFPA-Europe) is an association of national organisations in Europe concerned primarily with fire prevention & protection and also safety & security and other associated risks. It was founded in 1974 and in the guideline “fire safety basics for hot work operatives” CFPA-E Guideline No 12:2023 Fit provides the main guidelines to be followed and kept in mind for safety at work in hot work.

Risk assessment

The main risks associated with hot work include fire, burns and exposure to harmful substances. It is therefore essential to identify and classify possible hazards so that appropriate preventive and protective measures can be taken. In order to correctly identify the risks in hot work, a careful analysis of the environmental conditions is useful, evaluating the presence of flammable materials, the ventilation of the work area and the possibility of spreading fires.

Once potential risks have been identified, operational procedures can be established and activities planned. It is also important to provide the personnel involved with specific training regarding the safety measures to be taken in the event of an emergency and the correct use of personal protective equipment.

Hot work PPE

Among the most common PPE used for this type of work are heat insulating gloves, which protect hands from high heat and burns. It is crucial that the gloves are quality and adequately sized to ensure effective protection. It is also advisable to use fireproof overalls or heat-insulating jackets, which protect the body from the risks of burns, and non-slip and puncture-proof footwear.

Another important PPE for hot work is the face masks with a gas and vapour filter, which protect the respiratory tract from harmful agents emitted during welding or thermal cutting. To protect the eyes from splashing molten metal during welding, there are transparent face shields or specific anti-uv and infrared goggles.

Safety precautions and training

Before starting any hot work you must ensure that all personnel involved is properly trained and aware of the risks associated with hot work. It is important to wear appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment, such as sweat suits, heat insulating gloves, non-slip shoes and goggles. Before starting any operation, it is essential to carefully check that the instruments and equipment are in good condition and that they have been subjected to the necessary inspections and maintenance.

During hot work, it is essential to maintain adequate ventilation at the workplace to prevent the accumulation of harmful gases or toxic vapours. It is also important to keep the temperature of the tools and hot surfaces under control to prevent burns or accidental fires. All workers involved must be aware of the emergency procedures to be followed in an emergency.

Hot work permit

To ensure a safe working environment during hot work operations, safe temperature limits must be established to prevent overheating of equipment and to prevent fire. In addition, it is important to maintain adequate ventilation in the areas where hot operations will be carried out to prevent the accumulation of toxic gases or harmful vapours. The hot work permit is the work permit itself which should be issued only after assessing the risks and having taken all necessary safety measures.

Below is an excerpt from the hot work permit form from the CFPA-E Guideline No 12:2023 F.


During the authorisation process, it is also important to take into account the level of experience and training of the workers involved, making sure that they are able to safely handle hot operations. During hot work operations, it is essential to strictly comply with all established safety procedures, avoiding negligent or non-compliant behavior. In case of emergency during hot operations, all workers must be able to act promptly according to established safety protocols. Finally, it is important to conduct regular inspections of equipment used during hot operations to ensure compliance and proper operation.

Near accident: identification and management

A near miss is an important warning signal not to be ignored. Proper management of near accidents is crucial for health and safety in the workplace.


Identification of the near miss

A missed accident can be defined as an accident that has not caused damage. To identify missed accidents or injuries, companies must implement an accurate and continuous monitoring system. This can include using incident reports, assessing the causes and risk factors that could lead to an accident, as well as analysing trends over time. It is important to involve all workers in the identification of missed accidents.

It is also useful to analyse the frequency of accidents. This indicator measures the number of accidents for a given number of hours worked or for a given period of time. A low frequency rate may indicate good management of safety at work, but it could also hide problems of under-reporting of accidents by workers. Therefore, it is important to analyze the data critically, taking into account all the factors that can affect the accuracy of the results. Identifying missed accidents is an important step in the effective management of occupational safety. Once identified, it is important to analyse the root causes and take measures to prevent future accidents.

Analysis of causes and risk factors

There are several categories of causes that can contribute to an accident at work. The immediate causes are directly related to the accident itself, such as human error or unsafe working conditions. The underlying causes, however, are deeper and rooted in the security management system. These may include organisational problems, such as lack of adequate training, ineffective communication or lack of oversight.

In addition to the causes, it is also important to consider risk factors that can contribute to occupational accidents. Risk factors are the conditions or situations that increase the likelihood of an accident occurring. They can be divided into two main categories: physical factors and psychosocial factors.

Physical factors include the use of dangerous machinery, the lack of adequate safety devices or incorrect posture during work. Psychosocial factors, on the other hand, concern relational and psychological aspects of work, such as excessive workload, lack of social support or lack of control over one’s work.

To carry out an accurate analysis of the causes and factors of risk, it is necessary to collect detailed data on accidents, examine operating procedures and interview workers. This information is essential to identify the main causes of accidents and develop effective interventions to prevent them.

Strategies for the prevention of near misses

The training of workers and the role of internal communication are fundamental elements for the management of accident avoidance within organizations. Training covers both accident prevention and management, providing employees with the necessary skills to avoid risky situations and to take appropriate action in the event of accidents. This training may include safety training, the correct use of instruments and equipment, as well as evacuation and first aid procedures.

Internal communication plays a key role in ensuring that all employees are aware of company security policies and any changes or updates. Internal communication must be clear, timely and accessible to all employees, using different channels such as group meetings, newsletters or corporate intranets. In this way, the dissemination of relevant information is encouraged and a climate of awareness and responsibility among employees is stimulated.

Training and communication shall be integrated into an accident management system that also includes the collection and analysis of accident data and related corrective actions. This makes it possible to identify the causes of accidents and to take preventive measures to avoid similar situations in the future.

Monitoring, evaluation and adaptation of preventive measures

Through monitoring it is possible to identify any shortcomings in the preventive measures taken, in order to be able to take timely action to correct the situation. Monitoring can be carried out in various ways, including the analysis of data on accidents and incidents at work, the analysis of warnings or near-accidents, and direct observation of working conditions.

Once monitoring has been carried out, it is necessary to assess the preventive measures taken. The evaluation can be carried out through the analysis of the data collected during the monitoring and by comparing these data with the set objectives. The objective of the evaluation is to identify any critical issues or areas for improvement.

Subsequently, on the basis of the results of the evaluation, the preventive measures are adjusted. This can be done by modifying or implementing new preventive measures in order to minimise the risks to the health and safety of workers.

Monitoring, evaluation and adaptation of preventive measures are a continuous and dynamic process. Working conditions can change over time, as can the associated risks. Therefore, it is crucial that the organization is able to adapt and modify preventive measures according to new needs. In conclusion, monitoring, evaluation and adaptation of preventive measures are essential tools for ensuring safety at work. Through constant monitoring, accurate assessment and timely adaptation of preventive measures, a safe and efficient working environment can be created, minimising the risk of accidents and injuries.

Ministerial indications for the return to school 2023/24: protocol for students positive to COVID-19

On 10 August, a decree was published in the Official Journal abolishing the obligations of isolation and self-surveillance and amending the rules relating to the monitoring of the epidemiological situation caused by the spread of the SARSCoV2 virus.

Subsequently, the Ministry of Health issued a circular on 11 August, which, in view of the new regulatory framework without restrictions, offers guidelines on the behavior to be adopted in the event of a contraction of COVID-19.


The Ministerial Circular of 11 August 2023

The Ministerial Circular recommends that persons who test positive for SARSCoV-2 should take the same precautionary measures that are effective in preventing the spread of most respiratory infections, that is:

  • use respiratory protection, such as a surgical mask or FFP2, when interacting with other people;
  • stay at home until the symptoms disappear in case of symptomatic manifestations;
  • frequently sanitize the hands;
  • avoid crowded environments;
  • avoid contact with vulnerable, immunodepressed individuals, pregnant women, and refrain from visiting hospitals or assisted health residences;
  • inform people with whom you have had contact before diagnosis, especially if they are elderly or fragile;
  • consult your doctor if you fall into the category of fragile or immunodepressed people, in case of persistence of symptoms over 3 days or a worsening of health conditions.

Positive contacts

As regards people who have had contact with positive individuals, there are no special restrictions or mandatory isolation measures. However, it is recommended to remain vigilant and carefully monitor your health for the appearance of any symptoms that might suggest a COVID-19 infection. These symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, fatigue, and can manifest themselves in the days immediately following contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.

In conclusion, even if there are no mandatory restrictions, it is essential to show social responsibility and solidarity, doing everything possible to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and protect the most vulnerable people in the community.


The microclimate is an important aspect to consider in any environment, whether internal or external. However, the main discomforts of the microclimate concern mainly indoor environments, where temperature and humidity can affect the health and well-being of people.


What is microclimate in the workplace?

The microclimate in the working environment is the set of climatic conditions that occur within a working environment, such as temperature, relative air humidity, wind speed, atmospheric pressure and air quality. These factors can affect the well-being and productivity of workers, so it is important to make an assessment of the microclimate to ensure a safe and comfortable working environment.

The assessment of the microclimate involves the analysis of climatic conditions within the working environment in order to identify any problems. For example, excessive relative humidity can create ideal conditions for the growth of mold and fungi, which in turn can cause allergies and respiratory diseases.

For example, excessive relative humidity can create ideal conditions for the growth of mold and fungi, which in turn can cause allergies and respiratory diseases.

Microclimate risk is a complex assessment, requiring analysis of several variables such as temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and solar radiation. Microclimate evaluation includes measurement of air temperature, relative air humidity, air velocity, and solar radiation. All these factors can affect workers’ thermal comfort and their ability to perform work efficiently.

Assessment of the microclimate may also include examination of the lighting conditions in the working environment. Good lighting is essential to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for workers.

Finally, the assessment of the microclimate also includes the examination of air quality in the working environment. The presence of pollutants in the air can cause respiratory problems, allergies and diseases.

Microclimate and thermal wellness

The current legislation in Italy provides for the use of specific evaluation indices to verify that the climate parameters are in line with the needs of users. In particular, the UNI EN 15251 standard establishes the criteria of thermal comfort for buildings and indoor activities, considering various factors such as air temperature, air speed, relative humidity and average radiant temperature. The main benchmark for assessing thermal comfort is the PMV (Predicted Mean Vote), which takes into account the thermal sensations of occupants and environmental conditions.

As for outdoor environments, the UTCI (Universal Thermal Climate Index) is used, which considers not only air temperature but also other factors such as solar radiation, wind speed and relative humidity. This index has been developed to assess the risk of thermal stress for people working outdoors or practicing sports.

This index has been developed to assess the risk of thermal stress for people working outdoors or practicing sports.

The categories of microclimatic environments

The first category concerns working environments. In these spaces, temperature, humidity and ventilation can affect workers’ productivity and health. It is important to maintain an adequate temperature and a relative humidity between 40% and 60%. In addition, it is essential to ensure proper ventilation to avoid accumulation of carbon dioxide and other pollutants.

The second category concerns domestic environments. Again, the above applies to the workplace.

The third category concerns hospital environments. In these spaces, temperature, humidity and ventilation can affect patients’ healing. It is important to maintain an adequate temperature (between 20° and 25° C) and a relative humidity between 40% and 60%. And it is essential to ensure proper ventilation to prevent the spread of pathogens.

The fourth category concerns school environments. In these spaces, temperature, humidity and ventilation can affect students’ learning. It is important to maintain an adequate temperature (between 18° and 22° C) and a relative humidity between 40% and 60%. In addition, it is essential to ensure proper ventilation to avoid accumulation of carbon dioxide and other pollutants.

The microclimate in moderate environments

The microclimate in moderate environments is a fundamental aspect to be taken into account in order to guarantee the well-being of the individuals who frequent such spaces. Regulations and benchmarks represent an indispensable tool for the evaluation of the microclimate, in order to ensure compliance with legal limits and an adequate level of thermal comfort.

The Decree 81/2008 lays down rules on health and safety at work, including the obligation to provide workers with a comfortable and safe working environment. In particular, article 191 provides for the need to take all appropriate measures to protect the health of workers from exposure to risks arising from environmental working conditions.

To evaluate the microclimate in moderate environments, there are several benchmarks such as operating temperature, relative humidity and air velocity. The operating temperature represents the temperature actually perceived by individuals, taking into account the environmental conditions and the activities carried out. Relative humidity indicates the amount of water vapour in the air and is important to avoid breathing problems or skin irritation. And air velocity is essential to avoid convection cooling phenomena.

To ensure an adequate level of thermal comfort, there are also other specific regulations such as the UNI EN ISO 7730 standard, which defines the parameters for the assessment of thermal comfort and the PMV well-being index (predicted mean vote). This index takes into account operating temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, clothing and the activity of individuals.

The microclimate in severe hot and cold environments

The assessment of the microclimate in severe hot and cold environments requires special attention. In hot environments such as foundries, steel mills or thermal power plants, the microclimate can pose a major challenge to workers’ health. High temperatures can cause dehydration, heat stroke and other disturbances that can compromise working capacity and increase the risk of workplace accidents.

Specific instruments such as probe thermometers or humidity sensors can be used to evaluate the microclimate in these environments. In addition, it is important to carry out an assessment of workers’ heat exposure, which takes into account not only the environmental temperature but also the relative humidity, air speed and activities carried out by the workers themselves.

Even in cold environments such as cold stores or ski resorts, the assessment of the microclimate is crucial to ensure the comfort of operators and visitors. Low temperatures can cause hypothermia, freezing of the extremities and other diseases related to exposure to cold. Also useful in this case are probe thermometers or humidity sensors, as well as the evaluation of the air speed and cold exposure of workers. Of course, it is important to provide adequate room thermal insulation and adequate heating systems.

What is the comfortable microclimate?

There are several factors that can affect the perception of the microclimate by workers. First, the temperature: too hot or too cold environment can cause discomfort and stress. The ideal temperature depends on the activities carried out within the working environment; too low air humidity can cause dryness of the nasal and ocular mucosa, while too high humidity can promote the growth of mold and bacteria. The ideal humidity should be between 40% and 60%.

Ventilation is another crucial aspect to ensure a comfortable microclimate. Insufficient ventilation can cause accumulation of pollutants in the air, such as dust or chemicals in the materials used in the working environment.

Also the quality of lighting can affect the perception of microclimate by workers. Too bright or poorly distributed light can cause visual fatigue and headaches.

In conclusion, a comfortable microclimate improves the quality of life of workers, reduces the risk of climate-related diseases and increases productivity.

Legionella, infection risk

Legionella is a bacterium that can cause serious respiratory diseases such as legionellosis. Legionella bacteria can proliferate in the water systems of buildings. The risk of infection by water is relatively high since legionella can survive in water at temperatures between 20°C and 50°C, ideal for bacterial growth. Water systems in buildings, such as cooling towers, air conditioners and domestic hot water distribution systems, can be real incubators for legionella.


How to avoid the proliferation of legionella in the water systems of buildings

Legionella is transmitted through the inhalation of small infected water droplets, such as those produced by showers, taps or air conditioning. The disease is not transmitted from person to person. To prevent legionellosis it is important to keep the water systems clean and well cared for. This includes regular cleaning of cooling towers and water tanks, maintaining water temperatures below 20 ºC or above 60 ºC, eliminating stagnant water in water systems, and controlling the concentration of chlorine in water.

Identification of risk areas and monitoring of water systems

Identification of risk areas and monitoring of water systems play a key role in preventing the proliferation of legionella in buildings.

First, it is important to carry out a detailed analysis of water systems to identify any critical points, such as heat storage tanks, water storage tanks and misting systems.

Once these critical points have been identified, installations should be regularly monitored for anomalies or changes in control parameters. In particular, the monitoring of water systems shall include the measurement of water temperature at different points in the plant, verification of the presence of chemicals such as chlorine and periodic review of plants to ensure that they comply with current regulations.

In addition, it is useful to take preventive measures to keep the plant in optimal hygienic conditions, such as periodic cleaning of heat storage tanks and water storage tanks.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems

Regular maintenance and cleaning of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems are essential to prevent the proliferation of legionella in buildings. Air conditioning is one of the most common places where legionella can proliferate.

Regular maintenance includes periodic checks to detect any leakage or failure, replacement of worn parts and cleaning of the entire air conditioning system. Cleaning the heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems requires the use of specific detergents to remove the deposits of limestone, dust, bacteria and other contaminants that can accumulate inside the plant.

There are several types of water treatment system that can be used to prevent the growth of legionella, including the use of biocides, the installation of filters, and water disinfection. One of the most common methods to prevent the growth of legionella is the use of biocides. These chemicals are added to water systems to kill any bacteria present and prevent their proliferation. Biocidal products may be based on chlorine, bromine, iodine or other chemical compounds.

Another effective method of preventing the growth of legionella is the installation of filters in water systems. Filters remove particles that can feed the bacteria and can significantly reduce the risk of legionella infection. There are several types of filters that can be used, including active carbon filters and ultraviolet filters.

Finally, water disinfection can also be carried out by physical methods such as ultraviolet irradiation. Maintenance must be carried out by qualified and specialized personnel, able to guarantee the effectiveness of cleaning operations and compliance with safety standards.

Water temperature control in water systems

Water temperature control is one of the main factors in preventing the proliferation of legionella in building water systems. Since the ideal temperature for the growth of the bacterium is between 20°C and 45°C keeping water outside this temperature range prevents the proliferation of legionella.

In Italy, potable water must be kept at a temperature between 10ºC and 25ºC at the point of distribution. However, in certain cases, such as in hospitals or nursing homes, hot water can be kept at a temperature above 60 ºC in order to disinfect plants and prevent the spread of bacteria. Thanks to the use of thermometers it is possible to constantly monitor the water temperature and adjust the hot water temperature to the points where the risk of contamination is greatest. To further reduce the risk of legionella proliferation, water cooling or heat treatment devices can be installed, which keep the water below the ideal temperature for the growth of the bacterium.