Health Surveillance
Health Surveillance is one of the tools by which the Consolidated Text, Leg. 81/2008 as amended, protects and ensures health and safety in the workplace. Health Surveillance is compulsory in certain cases stipulated by current regulations, by way of example, when the work activity involves manual handling of loads, use of video terminals, exposure to noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, optical radiation, chemical agents, biological agents, asbestos, carcinogens and mutagens. In such cases, the Employer must appoint a Medical Officer.
Occupational Medicine is the medical specialty dedicated to protecting the health of the worker to prevent, diagnose and treat occupational diseases. The specialist in Occupational Medicine, the Medical Officer, plans and carries out Health Surveillance according to Article 41 of Leg. 81/2008 through health protocols defined according to specific risks and taking into account the most advanced scientific guidelines.
The primary objective of Health Surveillance is to protect the health of workers, that is, to ensure that the relationship between health conditions and working conditions is adequate. The Medical Officer monitors the fitness of workers by considering the risk factors on the one hand and the way in which the activity is carried out on the other. Therefore, the Medical Officer works with the Prevention and Protection Service and, of course, with the RSPP to keep the Risk Assessment Document updated.