Energy Certification
Energy Certification is embodied in theEnergy Performance Certificate (APE), a mandatory document for all properties when buying, selling or renting, but also for obtaining tax deductions for energy-saving renovation work.
Energy Certification is embodied in theEnergy Performance Certificate (APE), a mandatory document for all properties when buying, selling or renting, but also for obtaining tax deductions for energy-saving renovation work.
The EPA is mandatory at:
The owner of the property is required to provide energy certification.
Are ACE and APE the same thing? The ACE (energy certification certificate) has recently transformed into the APE (energy performance certificate) due to Decree Law 63/2013 converted into Law 90/2013.
Are APE and energy diagnosis the same thing? The
energy diagnosis
highlights the building’s energy problems.
Energy certification (APE and formerly ACE) indicates what the building’s energy performance is through an energy scale with letters ranging from A (the best) to G (the worst). In addition, there is a section in the APE where interventions are suggested to improve energy performance, reduce consumption and increase living comfort.
The APE is valid for 10 years unless the characteristics of the property change.
Energy certifications are prepared following an inspection by CENED-accredited technicians according to:
How to check APE eligibility: CENED offers free service
APE visura
to check the eligibility of the APE and download the facsimile.