Techno Energia operates as an Authorized Training Center of O.P.N. ITALIA LAVORO, a Joint Body participated by CNL under convention no. CFAL.088. O.P.N. ITALY WORK is a training organization that operates nationwide and in all Ateco Macrosectors. As such, it can deliver the planned training:
- By the State-Regions Agreement of December 21, 2011 pursuant to Art. 37 Legislative Decree 81/2008 for Workers, Managers, Supervisors, Employers who directly carry out prevention and safety tasks, Prevention and Protection Service Managers – RSPP, e-learning in the various specializations,
- by the State-Regions Agreement of February 22, 2012 pursuant to Articles 37 and 73 of Legislative Decree. 81/2008 for operators in charge of operating work equipment such as forklifts with driver on board elevating platforms, etc.
Training courses are conducted by teachers with multi-year teaching or lecturing experience in occupational health and safety as required by the above standards.
Workers must undergo training of the duration defined according to the risk of the business activity: low, medium, high. Worker training is divided into two distinct stages:
- General training (with common programs and duration for different areas of activity),
- specific training, in relation to the actual risk in the company detected according to its ATECO sector.
The minimum total duration of training courses for workers, based on the classification of risk sectors, is as follows:
- low risk (e.g., offices and services, trade, crafts and tourism, etc.): 4 hours of general training + 4 hours of specific training. Total 8 hours,
- medium risk (e.g., Education, transportation, warehousing, agriculture, etc.): 4 hours of general training + 8 hours of specific training. Total 12 hours,
- high risk (e.g., construction, food processing, textiles, wood, manufacturing, energy, waste, refineries, chemicals, health care, etc.): 4 hours of general training + 12 hours of specific training. Total 16 hours.
As for how the courses are conducted, they are different depending on the classification. The low-risk worker course can be conducted either in-person or online (e-learning). In contrast, the courses of medium and high risk workers must be conducted in presence or video conferencing. In this case, it is possible to choose whether the first part of the course, the general part, is delivered in-person or in e-learning.
Refresher training, on the other hand, is 6 hours for all risk classifications and occurs every five years. Unlike training, the refresher course can be conducted either in-person or online in e-learning according to organization preference.
- Firefighter courses (low, medium or high risk),
- First Aid Officer courses,
- Workers’ Safety Representative courses,
- Prep courses,
- Driver/Mulettist courses,
- Confined Spaces courses,
- Work at Height courses,
- HACCP courses.